PE Class Web Resources Report

Table Tennis Web Resources Report

Chung Yuk Kwan, Tommy





The name of this website is Ping Skill-Table Tennis Lesson. This assess is one part of this website called Table Tennis Coaching Lesson. Obviously, according to the name, this website can even become your online coach about table tennis. In this websites, a lot of elaborate information about table tennis skills will be provided. If you are a crazy fan about table tennis, this website could meet your needs very much. The amount of information on this website is just amazing. For example, you can learn the the skills of how to serve, the footstep skills while you are playing table tennis and so on. In addition, you can even find the match analysis. It is very beneficial for the players who want to advance their techniques to higher level.


Information that can help you improve table tennis skills:

Almost all the information on this website can help you to improve your table tennis skills. But I would like to list a few special points about this website. Firstly, this website not only provide the text about how to improve your skills. In each part, you can also get the access to some videos about the motion demonstration. It seems that the videos were made by a fantastic ping pong coach. Most of videos can also be directly found the on the YouTube. All of these videos may help you improve you ping pong skills faster than others. Secondly, the other special thing about this website is that the website will also offer the user a 52-week practice plan. It will make the players ‘practice more reasonable and regular.


Recommend to friend or not? Why or why not?

Apparently, this website is a very useful resources for people to learn how to play table tennis. No matter you are a beginner or master on table tennis. The most essential point is the variety of the ping pong related information. Users can also get sufficient information about one of specific ping pong skills. Moreover, the application of videos makes the study of table tennis more efficient and appealing to learners. Especially for the youngsters. All in all, it is a very good website for people to learn table tennis.

Thought and Writing Term Paper

Social Media Has Become One of Inevitable Parts Which Makes the News Delivery More Effectively

Chung Yuk Kwan, Tommy (15657302)


Along with the development of the Internet in recent few decades, more and more social media have penetrated into people’s lives and become a crucial part of the society. For example, Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp and WeChat. Even now so many news outlets like BBC and South China Morning Post have started using social media to report their news. Apparently, the application and of social media in reporting news has a series of advantages and it makes the spread of the news become more effective.


One of the most essential advantages of social media is that a larger number of people can get the access to the updated news. In 2004, the biggest social networking platform Facebook came out. One year later, a video website called YouTube also established. Since that, the impact of social media has become more and more powerful. It leads to the result that the number of social media users has increased dramatically in recent years. According to Michael, Elisa, Jeffery and Amy (2015), In the US, the number of people who get news from Facebook increased from 47% in 2013 to 63% in 2015. The number of people who get news from Twitter increased from 52% in 2013 to 63% in 2015. According to a series of data above, the influences of social media in modern society has shown. So, it means that if some news outlets nowadays can take this advantage and maybe set up a social media account on some platform, the spread of their updated news would be more effective. Also, a larger number of audience can get the news more easily.


The news delivery would not be effective without social media because the information of reader’s gender, age range or even their working fields from the social media platform is a good way to identify the different audience groups and deliver different kinds of news to different people, and this way can enhance the reader’s willing of reading as well. Because readers are easier to get some specific types of news which meet their personal needs. Hopefully many people have the experiences in daily lives that when each person apply a new account on social media platform, the website may, at most of time, ask for some personal information such as the age, job, study or even your interests. So, if the news outlets can combine the news delivery and readers’ interest together, it can be another potential power which can boost the effectiveness of news delivery. Obviously, a series of similar news platform has released in recent few years. For example, in mainland China, there is an online news sharing forum called ZhiHu will ask your interest then send you some contents that meet the readers’ preferences. In addition, the other more influential example could be the other news mobile app called YiDianZiXun also in mainland China. The biggest feature of this app is that the users can make their own news list according to their preferences. The concept of this app is “search your interests”. In everyday, countless updated news related to users’ preferences will be sent automatically. The way makes reading news become a more personal and attractive thing to do. Moreover, since this app penetrate into the English market, it used to be the No. 1 recommended free app in Apple App Store. So in a word, by applying some users’ public personal information, social media can make the reading news become a more personal and appealing event in daily lives and enhance the effectiveness of news spread.


The other reason why social media make the spread of news more effective is that is it much easier, for most of people in modern times, to get the access to a lot of social media. One of the leading reasons is the popularity of smart phone in recent few years. The invention of smart phone can be one of boost factors which makes the combination of news delivery and social media become faster. Because in one decade ago, many of people just did not know what smart phone is. And now it is very inevitable. People can now do almost everything by using mobile phone such as shopping, chatting, video watching and so on. Apparently, also include reading news. Along with the development of smart phone, as a mainstream nowadays, the users of some mobile apps of social media are increasing significantly. So, if some traditional news outlets can fix to this trend, which means apply with social media when they report the news, it could be very beneficial to the effective spread of news. For instance, even when BBC, which is one of long-time leaders in journalism, opened its Twitter account, the followers increased dramatically from day to day. The number began with about 580000 in August 2010 and hit to over 1800000 in August 2011. (Bakhurst, 2011). Obviously, this phenomenon would cause huge positive effect to the news delivery.


Some people who take the opposite views may think that reading newspapers can also make the spread of information effective, but the truth is the number of people who are willing to read newspapers frequently has decreased considerably. As what have been mentioned above, after the popularity of smart phone, many people are more willing to use smart phone in many daily activities including reading news. At the same time, according to the research of MIT, in the US, the printed newspapers readers consisted of 35% people at the age of 30-49, and only 16% people at the age of 18-29. On the other hand, for the readers of online newspapers, the people from 18-29 years old accounted for 30% and the proportion of 30-40-year old people surprisingly accounted for 52% (MIT, 2010). So, for the opposite opinion above, we can overall conclude that the paper newspapers reading seems not the mainstream among younger generation now. Moreover, the older generation also seems to fix the trend of online reading in modern era.


All in all, the use of social media in modern news delivery leads to a series of benefits. The most essential one is the larger number of people who can get wider information. In addition, the social media has become an inevitable part in news delivery. Because of the more specific audiences, easier access and the reduce of the newspapers readers respectively.




Bakhurst. K, (2011). How has social media changed the way newsrooms work. Retrieved 10 March, 2016, from


Barthel. M, (2015). The Evolving Role of News on Twitter and Facebook. Retrieved 10 March, 2016, from


MIT. (2010). Will Newspaper Survive. Retrieved 13 March, 2016, from

Stamps Design


This stamps design is inspired by some landmark elements in Hong Kong. Also, I designed them in a drawing feeling.